LogMASter Kft. (registered office: 2151 Fót, Keleti Márton utca 12., company register number: 13-09-196435) hereby informs its customers/prospective customers/persons concerned by the processing (collectively: ‘data subjects’) about its practices in the processing of personal data, the organisational and technical measures taken to protect the data, as well as the rights of customers in this regard and the options for their enforcement.
 The purpose of this Privacy Statement (hereinafter: ‘Privacy Statement’) is to ensure the right to information self-determination of all natural persons who voluntarily provide personal data to the controller in the course of the controller’s activities as defined below or regarding whom the controller obtains personal data on the based on legal authorisation.

  1. The controller
     The controller of the data is LogMASter Kft., registered office: 1139 Budapest, Váci út 85, postal address: 2151 Fót, Keleti Márton u. 12, e-mail address:, website address:, telephone number: +36 27 538800
     Personal data processed by the controller may be disclosed to the following persons:
     a.) the controller or its authorised employees, and
     b.) where the controller has a statutory reporting obligation, to the competent authorities.

  2. Processed data
    When contacting the customer/prospective customer/person concerned by the processing, the following data of the data subject are recorded:
     Name, place and date of birth, mother’s name, address or notification address, contact details of the customer (phone number, e-mail address, internet contact information, name of contact person), and billing details (address, name, tax number). If only some of the above data are provided by the data subject, only the data provided are recorded.
     Our company does not keep sensitive personal data about anyone. Such data may include data relating to a natural person concerning that person’s racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade-union membership, sex life or orientation, health or genetic or biometric information which can be used to uniquely identify a person.
     We only keep ‘non-sensitive’ personal data (e.g. about employees, contributors, customers or, in the case of natural person senders or recipients, the addresses of goods acceptance or delivery).

  3. Legal ground of the processing
     Legal ground of the processing
     a.) the prior consent of the data subject, or
     b.) if the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a party or for taking steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract (Article 6(1) b) of Regulation (EU) No 2016/679), or
     c) mandatory processing (if required by a legal standard).
    The main provisions on these processing operations are set out in General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679/EU on the protection of personal data, Act CXII of 2011 on the Right to Information Self-Determination and Freedom of Information and the employer’s internal data processing and confidentiality provisions/rules.

  4. Purpose of the processing
     The purpose of data processing is to provide services efficiently to persons who have a customer relationship with the controller, to make related notifications and offers, to resolve any cooperation problems or disputes that may arise, to provide more accurate advice to customers and to provide appropriate quotations.
     This processing also serves as a means of ongoing contact and communication between the customer/prospective customer/person concerned by the processing and the controller.
     For the purposes of invoicing the consideration resulting from contracts for the provision of services related to its economic activities, our company processes personal data relating to the use of the services it provides which are necessary for the purposes of determining the consideration and invoicing, in particular data relating to the time, duration and place of use of the service. In addition to the above, our company processes personal data that are technically necessary for the purpose of providing the services it is required to provide.
     In the course of its economic activities, in order to ensure the security of its assets and the proper protection of its customers’ property/interests, the company operates an industrial surveillance system in its work and storage areas (factory areas), which records the movement of goods, equipment and persons in the areas used by the company in accordance with the relevant legislation.
     The controller shall not use personal data for any other purpose than the above.

  5. Duration of the processing
     The controller shall erase/remove/destroy the data it has recorded when the purpose of the processing has ceased or the statutory time limit for storing the data has expired.
     The controller shall keep the above data provided by customers/data subjects in its electronic system and paper-based records for a maximum period of 5 years, after which it shall remove or destroy them from its system.

  6. Name, contact details and activity of the data processor
     The controller has no data processor.

  7. Persons having access to the data
     The (personal) data provided by the data subjects (customers/prospective customers/persons concerned by the processing) may only be accessed by the designated employee(s) of the controller.
     Personal data are not transferred to third parties by the controller. This does not apply to mandatory data transfers required by law. The controller verifies whether there is a legal ground for the transfer of data for each individual data item before fulfilling to each official request for data/data supply obligation.

  8. Data subjects’ rights regarding the processing of their personal data, objection, erasure
     Customers/prospective customers/persons concerned by the processing may request information on the processing of their personal data. Upon request, the controller shall provide the data subject with information about the data processed by the controller, the purposes, legal ground and duration of the processing, the name and address of any processor and the activities related to the processing, as well as the persons who receive or have received the data and the purposes for which they receive or have received the data. The information can be requested via the postal address or e-mail address of the controller. The customer can also use the same contact details to request the rectification and erasure of their personal data.
     The erasure of personal data shall not take place if and for the duration for which the controller is required by law to keep records or for the duration of such records.
     The controller shall provide the information or take the necessary action in writing, in an intelligible form and at the request of the data subject, within the shortest possible time from the request, but not later than within 25 days.
     The data subject may object to the processing of their personal data if
    1. the processing (transfer) of the personal data is required only for the enforcement of the rights or legitimate interest of the controller or the data recipient, with the exception of mandatory data processing,
    2. the use or transfer of personal data for direct marketing purposes, public opinion polling or scientific research, 
    3. the exercising of the right to objection is otherwise permitted by law.
     The controller shall examine the objection, with the simultaneous suspension of the processing, within the shortest possible period of time from the date of the request, but not later than 15 days, and inform the applicant in writing of the outcome of the examination. If the objection is justified, the controller shall be obliged to terminate the processing, including further recording and transfer, and to block the data, and to notify the objection or the action taken based on the objection to all those to whom the personal data concerned by the objection have been previously disclosed and who are obliged to take measures to enforce the right to objection.
     If the data subject disagrees with this decision of the controller, they may challenge it in court within 30 days of its notification.

  9. Measures taken by the controller to protect the personal data of data subjects
    The controller shall keep confidential all data and facts relating to customers/prospective customers/persons concerned by the processing in its own system, even if they are publicly available. Any publication of statements of the data thus processed will only be made in a form which does not allow the individual identification of each user.
     The data that you provide to us and that we have in our possession will not be disclosed to any third party without your consent, except for legally required official notifications/data supply.
     We also use special technical tools on our website, including cookies. These are small text data files that are stored on your computer by your browser. These cookies do not cause any harm. Like others, we use them to help you navigate our website in a user-friendly manner. Some cookies remain on your computer until you delete them.
     If you do not delete them, it will allow our system to recognise your browser again If you do not delete them, it will allow our system to recognise your browser again on your next visit. Deleting cookies does not cause any damage to your computer.
    If you do not want your computer to store cookies, you can set your browser to not allow cookies or to allow cookies only with your specific consent. If you disable cookies completely in your browser, you may also limit the usability of our website.
    The anonymous session IDs and cookies used by Google Analytics, Hotjar and LogRocket are used for statistical purposes. The storage period for cookies generated by Google Analytics, Hotjar and LogRocket is limited to 30 days and session IDs are automatically deleted when you leave the website. The newsletter subscription data provided by the data subject on the website are erased by the controller within 10 working days upon the written request of the data subject.
    Documents generated in the course of our activities and serving as proof of our performance may be stored electronically in our database together with the corresponding dispatch data. Records of performance are stored only for the purpose and for the period prescribed by law and access to the database is granted only to those who

     a.) as an employee of our company or as a contributor, performs an activity related to the creation of the database and has accepted our policies and legal provisions on data processing and data protection in a documented form; or
     b.) is a customer of our company who has stared, in documented form, that they have read this privacy statement and at the same time declare that they are requesting a user ID and password for the database as an authorised user and has expressly accepted the obligation to keep the user ID and password confidential, not to disclose any data or documents made available to unauthorised persons, and to inform us immediately if the user ID and password are obtained by unauthorised persons, so that our experts can take the necessary data protection and security measures, or
     c.) are entitled to access the data as a competent authority under the law.

  10. Right enforcement options
    A data subject (customer/person concerned by the processing) who feels that their right to the protection of personal data has been infringed by the controller may pursue their claim before a civil court or seek the assistance of the data protection supervisor. The detailed legal provisions on this and the obligations of the controller are set out in Act CXII of 2011 on the Right to Informational Self-Determination and Freedom of Information and in Regulation EU 2016/679 regarding the protection of personal data.
    If so requested by the data subject, the action may be brought before the general court in whose jurisdiction the data subject’s home address or temporary residence is located.
    The data controller hereby draws the attention of the data subject to the fact that it is advisable to send their complaint to the controller before initiating any administrative/official procedure. You may contact us at any time by using the address, phone numbers, e-mail or postal address provided in the ‘Contact Us’ section of our website with any questions or complaints you may have regarding the processing of your personal data.
    Contact details of the National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information:
    postal address: 1530 Budapest, P.O. Box.: 5
    address: 1125 Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 22/c
    Phone: (+36 1) 391-1400
    Fax: +36 (1) 391-1410

    If the legislation on data protection/data processing changes, the controller will also amend the provisions of this statement accordingly.

    Fót, 20.10.2022 logMASter Kft.